
Friday, December 7, 2012

a very meaningful best of year citation

This very early morning I have been out walking the dark streets of Lexington, VA, photographing the striking campus of Washington and Lee. There was rain last night. Dawn here today is not sun but a misting mountain purple.

Incredibly, when I returned (exhilarated by the cold air and the slight hills), I found an email from Danielle Smith (forever dear to me), who suggested I take a journey to Bookalicious to see what she had to say about the best books of 2012.

And oh my goodness, look what she had to say.

And just in case that little link action does not work on Blogsy:

When my brother was young, he used to amaze me with his bubble blowing capabilities. This morning I am very amazed by and grateful to the super fabulous and very generous Bookalicious Pam. A big mountain hug to you (and to Danielle).



  1. Oh yay! I'm so so excited for this! Congratulations!

    And, I'm so jealous of you being at Washington and Lee. I love Lexington so much. I'm so glad you were able to see some of the campus while you were there, truly striking.

    Congratulations again! xo

  2. Congratulations! And that is some bubble.
