
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This poem, Jamie, is in memory of. This poem is not enough.

What Time Does

To leave you there,
brine in your hair from the sea,
wind on your skin from the car you drove fast,
the radio on,
until we each had named
our incompatible woundedness,
was one thing.
To walk by the room where we’d almost loved
years afterward,
holding my son’s hand, holding my husband’s,
was, is
what time does.

But to hear your name
in a story someone tells
about a man trapped within
the hostile circumstance of his own skin,
is to hear you not dance,
is to see you not say,
is to understand the word
and the coming feint of autumn.

The trees have been splitting from themselves
where I live.
Whole crowned limbs going down.


Jamie McVickar said...

Wow. That's so great, Beth. I'm as awkward around poetry as a deer on skates, so I don't know quite how to properly convey how moving your poem is, but it so perfectly captures so many things in so few words. It captures the essense of Dennis. It captures your brief relationship with him and it captures the terrible affliction that took over him...and took him over, hopefully to the other side.

I forwarded your blog address to Dennis' brother Randy and encouraged him to send it to his family. Feel free to email me directly at jmcvickar at if you want to chat more. But I also know you're a busy person. I was really happy to see your post this morning, Beth. It's great to reconnect even if only through a machine. - jamie

Beth Kephart said...


A long time ago I stopped trying to decode poems, trying only to feel them. Makes me feel a little less befuddled myself.

Dennis was too good for words, really. And his wife sounded extraordinary.


k8fh said...

WOW! Yes, ditto on Jamie's comment - I read this poem and it was like some strange wine - I got to the end and thought 'oh! so beautiful so painful so perfect so...!'
And then realized a minute later that it was becoming even more potent the longer I sat with it and soaked it in. -I can still feel it, over a day later. Thanks so much for writing this, and giving us these images and emotions, and thanks even more for sharing it so we can feel with you.
-K8 (Jamie's cousin)

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