A Freshman Comes Home (for the day)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The federal bail out deal appears to be crafted, the candidates brought themselves to the debate, it rained where I live and the rivers flow more freely, and my boy was home for a blessed Saturday. The house was suddenly messy again, there was a sprawl of books (on logic, on media culture, on social justice) on the downstairs desk, and there were stories—everywhere I turned, there were.

I did nothing but sit here and take it in.

A child grows up and goes to college, and he crafts his own life. He returns and there is the rush of the familiar, but not just that: There is the interweave of what he's lived that you never will, the what he's learning that is his alone, the hours he keeps because he can.

The sun rising and falling. The promise steeped within the blaze.


Vivian Mahoney said...

I'm so glad you had a great visit. Here's to new adventures...for your son AND for you. There is much promise. And much hope.

Anna Lefler said...

This post just makes me happy. Enjoy! :^)

PJ Hoover said...

It gives me such hope for the future that kids enjoy coming home to visit their parents while in college. Mine are so young. I can't bear the thought of letting them go.

Beth Kephart said...

PJ, my heart was broken when my boy went to school. He came home not just whole, but bigger than life...happy but still happy for home.

It can happen, because it does..

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