No Road Alone

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I mean for there to be no melodrama, and so I begin this post like this: I am practically fine. But for the past two weeks, I've been taking the sorts of tests one takes to prove or disprove fine.

I'm not dwelling on that. I'm dwelling on this: The world is gooded through. Yes, I'm watching the news. I'm worrying out loud. I grow impatient for solutions, too. I bump up across all varieties of raw, of wrong, of unjust, of incalcuable; I feel myself sink into trenches of despair. But I am rocked and rescued by the good that nonetheless prevails. By people who do their jobs well, and do them humanely (barium, they say, is like an extended pina colada; try to remember your first kiss, they say, when your anxiety seems to stop your blood from flowing). By friends who send funny and loving emails. By bloggers who couldn't even begin to know how valued they are. By a son sending all hieroglyphic form of the famed 160-character text message.

Not to mention a husband who stopped one day beneath the dogwood tree outside my office and noticed that the finch had supped on every last skinny black seed. He reached up and took the feeder down. He filled it with new seed. He stretched and slid the feeder back into place, like he was ornamenting a Christmas tree. He went on his way, then, my husband did. And the birds returned in force.


PJ Hoover said...

Wow, Beth, this is such a touching post. I'm thinking of you!
I love when I have the time to enjoy the beauty of the world - and this is something you seem to do regularly. Even with its ups and downs, our world is an amazing place.
Sending good feelings your way :)

Em said...

I hope everything's ok. I'll be thinking of you! This was a beautiful post and I especially love the title.

Ghost Girl (aka, Mary Ann) said...

Beautiful, Beth...I'm drawing in a deep and lovely sigh. I've gone through this (what I think your referring to, anyway) and your picture captures a huge part of my serenity.

I stop on the road to breath in the trees and the sky and the soft curve of the dirt road ahead of me. Everything will out...for the better.

Hugs to you.

Vivian Mahoney said...

Life is full of mystery and while the road can be bumpy, when one takes the time to take joy and appreciation of things as you do, it puts things in perspective.

I know the difficulty too well of waiting--of wanting and worry, of fear and hope. I wish you comfort and joy, hope and love, peace and beauty as you deal with these tests.

You are not alone. Your post attests to that.

Beth Kephart said...

Such a warming moment, sitting here, returned from a day and a half away — and to find you four.

Thank you, PJ, Em, Ghost Girl (Ghost girl, I like the word ghost so much that I've used it twice in titles) and Vivian.

Everything will be well here. I thank you all for caring.


Anna Lefler said...

I'm sending you health, strength and hugs, Beth. I so admire your approach to life and everything in it...

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