Streetside Conversation

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Yesterday I started walking toward the intersection of activity that is our town. (It being a gorgeous day, and not one ounce bitter.)

Through the doors of the movie theater busted out a young couple—I put them both at seventeen—and her look said it all. Her look said, I cannot believe you did that again and this time I just may not forgive you. He was turned toward her—crooked, pleading, what did I do? why are you mad? why won't you at least hold my hand?—and then, all of a sudden, his expression broke into something huge and grateful, something approximating understanding. "Is that why you are mad?" he started saying. "That's it? That's the reason?" He was practically dancing now, he was going on with all the antics of relief, and the more he crowed over his exquisite epiphany, the angrier she got. Now her expression was all, You idiot, why didn't you get that in the first place, and will you stop your jumping up and down?, and why would you think just understanding is enough?; understanding is nothing; you better fix it, while his kept being, I get it, I get it, I don't have to guess anymore, I'm done, I'm free.

Seventeen, I thought. Seventeen. And there it is. The future in script.


Beth said...

Teenagers are fascinating. And I love your keen powers of observation.

woman who roars said...

I love that theater! My husband and I went on one of our first dates there, though I can't remember the movie, and then had coffee next door.
That was almost ten years ago - crazy!

Anna Lefler said...

And so it begins...

It would be interesting to fast-forward to the scene in which he is doing the same little dance, perhaps less animatedly, around his second wife...still trying to figure out what keeps going wrong.

:^) Anna

Some kind of courage. said...

ah ha-
im fifteen. x)
teenage years of complications
i agree with ms Anna .
i think it would have been interesting to fast foward it.

Some kind of courage. said...

thank you so much!
gosh, your an author- must be amazing-- I'll be sending in query letters to bunch of agents very soon.
its nerve racking.
its so weird; my younger cousin has recommended me to read a book and i just found out that they were yours! "Undercover." !

Maya Ganesan said...

I can picture him jumping up and down. :)

Beth Kephart said...

Beth, Anna, Maya: Teens are fascinating, Beth, and why I keep writing about them, for them. Maybe (after the 100th book or so) I'll actually be worthy (to borrow's Anna's phrasing) of the subject.

Sierra. Just walked out of that theater. Saw Frost/Nixon! Will be teachng at that coffee shop on Tuesday! Intersections...

Dreamers: Now that is funny! What a funny coincidence.

woman who roars said...

Too funny! I'm having coffee with a friend their tuesday - maybe our worlds will collide :-)

Vivian Mahoney said...

It does tell the true about the relationship between boys and girls, doesn't it?

Very cute!

Em said...

Oh, fun, I love people watching. :)

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