Life Saver

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A long time ago, in a hospital room, a woman saved my life. I'd had extensive surgery on a jaw that had gone bad; I woke (as I knew I would) to a mouth wired shut. When, in the evening, all who knew me had gone home, when the nurses were on their quiet rounds, when there was no one looking, the machine that had been pumping my stomach failed. I could not scream. I could not speak. I was drowning in my own blood.

It is true what they say about the mind spinning back. Over time, over roads, over regrets.

It was my roommate who saved me. A woman I'd met just hours before. She heard me struggle and rose in the dark—sat at the edge of my bed and cleared the pump. And there she sat, through the rest of that night, warding off trouble, keeping me safe, urging me to look beyond the window toward snow.

The other day, while taking a train to the city, I saw a woman who might have been the woman who one day saved my life. She sat on this bench. She was reading this paper. We waited, both in peace, both of us breathing.


Melissa said...

"...both of us breathing."

This post leaves me breathless. I would have so wanted to ask the woman at the train station if she was the same person ... but how?

This seems so much to be the premise of a short story ...

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing story, Beth.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I was at that Depeche Mode concert last night and I saw a guy who looked like this guy I met when I Eurailed at 21. I really wanted to ask him his name, but it was too loud.

Woman in a Window said...

goodness all around.

Anna Lefler said...

The fragile yet wire-hard interconnection of us all...



Holly said...

I made an "oh!" while I was reading this.

Yesterday I fell really, really hard in infatuation on the subway. I didn't say anything either. But I almost did. I tore a page out of my book and had written on it and everything. He got off too soon. Oh, we could fill a LIBRARY with the encounters that weren't quite.

Ed Goldberg said...

The fact that someone in a hospital cared for her roommate is amazing to me. But sometimes you don't need to know who did the good deed, as long as you pass on the good it forward.

Em said...

Wow, so scary and yet the outcome was wonderful.

grete said...

I just need to join the others in a loud !WOW! here. Mouth wired shut. Drowning in your own blood. Then the life saver. WOW. No, there are no other words here.....

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