My mother's brownies (in her handwriting)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We will spend Thanksgiving with my brother and his family, my father, my sister, and her eldest.  I wanted to bring some of my mother along, and so I am making her brownies.  Here she is, on the page as it appears in her book of handwritten, hand-clipped recipes.  Many of them stained.  Some of them missing temperature instructions (she had everything in her head).  Everything delicious.

Wishing you all a beautiful time of family, friends, reflections.

I have so much to be grateful for.


Anonymous said...

Happy thanksgiving, Beth.

Serena said...

my nana was the same way with things in her head for recipes. I wish that I had asked her more about them and what made them great. I would love to have cooked like she did.

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