Raw to the Bone: Putting the Springsteen Paper to Rest

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yes, it has obsessed me, but it is done.  "Raw to the Bone:  Transported to Truth and Memory by Springsteen's River Songs" is written at last, and it will slumber now, until September, when I will have the great pleasure of joining April Lindner, Jane Satterfield, Ned Balbo, and Ann Michael at the Glory Days Symposium at Monmouth University.  This blog will now return to its regularly scheduled (ha, I never schedule anything) program.

From the paper:

The music will rise through the soles of my feet.  It will scour, channel, silt, and further rise.   In the dark cavern of my hips it will catch and swish.  Outside, perhaps, the stars have come up, and probably the deer have vanished, and maybe the cicadas are rumbling around in their own mangled souls.  But inside, a river churns, widens, roars, and steeps, and I am dancing Springsteen.    


Serena said...

Ah Bruce...he's done it again...inspired...and left his mark without knowing where or with whom

Melissa Sarno said...

Oooh, I want to read this paper! I know nothing, nada, zilch, about Springsteen or his music. Perhaps you have inspired me to remedy that...

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