Just Living

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Here is the thing that I've been working on lately: Not living my life as if it's a race toward making and making and making.

Just living.

Which means that last night, after my brother called to describe the comet that had burst wide open in the sky, I actually did go out and stand under the moon and look up until I found it.

This morning the moon is hung huge in my window.


grete said...

Hi again, Beth -
I really don’t mean to stalk you with my comments - but I just had to make a reply on this one. As you, I have been working on the exact same thing, living as if this very second is the perfect one - and not just a preparation for the next. This morning I wrote down Lennon’s quote - “Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans” - as a reminder. I intend to dedicate my coming writing weeks to this very topic.

And while out on my daily walk yesterday (I adore walking - sun, rain, wind, snow....ah....) - the full moon was hanging there like a ripe reminder of the NOW. I had forgotten my camera, and saw the most marvelous views through my imaginary lens. But. No camera, no shots. And today was cloudy. The forecast for tomorrow is - rain.

BUT. Through practicing the NOW awareness, I did enjoy the walk. Or. At least I tried to.... I kept saying to myself - if feeding on the NOW is your highest objective, why all these photographs?

Beth Kephart said...


You are not a stalker! I appreciate your thoughtful questions and I imagine that we are kindred souls in many ways, for I too walk miles everyday, intent on living the moment but also (perversely? urgently) deeply moved to record it somehow.

I believe that the photos enable us to live the moment again. So do the stories. Which is why, I suspect, I am so wrapped up in both.

Here's to a good writing week,

grete said...

.... back from a walk just now ... camera in hand ... clouds dripping from the sky ... silent colours covering paths & fields & woodland floor ... heaps of leaves melting into the earth ... each whispering words of farewell ... Yes, walking is great, makes me feel a living part of all there is ...

Kris Cahill said...

Hi Beth,

Wonderful post, and such a lovely thought to live by at this time of year. Just living and being is so healing.

Kris Cahill said...

And the full moon was amazing last night!

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