Bodies of Water

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I had a client meeting in the city, cause to board a train, an excuse to stop the madness and huddle with a book.

I chose THREE VIEWS OF CRYSTAL WATER, by Katherine Govier (author of the previously mentioned CREATION). I sunk straight in. I had that physical response I often get to books that are immaculately conceived and written. The slight shiver before the stillness sets in. The dulled hammering of the heart. The slow uncranking of the muscles about the jaw.

The therapeutics of a book upon a lap.

Why don't more people know about THREE VIEWS? Why isn't Govier a household name? How much talent bucks out there, in the world beyond, just waiting for more of us to notice?

On the train two days ago, I got to notice. Today I implore you to notice, too.

A fraction, then, from Govier:

"Bodies of water, we call them. Fresh, salt, dead, alive, still, fast-moving, tidal, land-locked. I know little about those other bodies which span the world, but I can tell you that the sea I plumb is a trickster. Lashing at the black lava rocks, tasting of the myterious living things, shot with sunbeams or sunk in massive gloom, it is bitter to the nostrils and stinging to the lips. I've seen rock cliffs under water that trail air bubbles out of some crevice as if they were breathing."


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