What is it for?

Monday, March 3, 2008

And so we turn (when we're stuck; when we're not certain of why we push so hard against a discipline, a form; when we need a shakedowntalkingto, a goading forward) to those so much wiser than ourselves, and read familiar passages newly.

Today I leafed through the essential Pinsky book and came upon these words:

"I presume that the technology of poetry, using the human body as its medium, evolved for specific uses: to hold things in memory, both within and beyond the individual life span; to achieve intensity and sensuous appeal; to express feelings and ideas rapidly and memorably. To share those feelings and ideas with companions, and also with the dead and with those to come after us."

Robert Pinsky, The Sounds of Poetry

Poetry, then, like a tree holding its own inside the wind.


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