The Book Thief Rave and a Shout Out to Alyson Hagy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Jena said...

I'm so glad you're loving The Book Thief! I read it earlier this summer and it's definitely one of the best books of my year's reading list. (And lucky you--you have the perfect bookmark! I always think that reading a book with an apropos bookmark furthers the enjoyment.)

Ravenous Reader said...

You've certainly sold me with your elegant, enthusiastic testimonial...I'll be off momentarily to hunt for it.

I'm having similar feelings about the book I've been reading this week...The Bridge of Sighs. I'm reading very slowly, because I don't want it to end :)

I do love your video posts...

Beth Kephart said...

Jena and Becca,

Something so big happens in Book Thief — the author just lets go and imagines freely.

It's like being a kid again, letting a kite go free. You say to yourself, What prevents me from feeling that freedom?

Thank you for joining me in this — in the exuberance, and for encouraging the video blogs, which really do take some getting used to!

Em said...

Now I have to get that book! I always weigh a book recommendation by the person recommending it, so coming from a writer like you, this must be a great book. My brother is another good book litmus test. When I meet knew people and the subject of books comes up, I always have to reign myself in from interrogating them about their favorite and least favorite books. It's just such an interesting way to learn about a person! :)

Beth Kephart said...

Well, that seems only fair, Miss Em, since I trust your taste implicitly, too.

Sometimes (I find) it's best not to ask about books people love. It can sometimes skew your sense of who they are, before you get a chance to find all the things they really are.



Em said...

I just read The Book Thief. I'm completely with you in how wonderful it is.

And yes, your view of a person can be skewed by the books they've read, so I don't judge. A lot of my good friends hardly read at all. But my very best friends all read, and read lots. We don't always agree on books but the fun is in the discussion. However, in the case of The Book Thief, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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