What Happens Next?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stammered, stoppered, stunned by the news. By headlines four inches high. By images of strangers—panicked. By the realities of a country that has lived far too long on borrowed time, in the haze of inflated ambitions, under the scourge of obfuscating mechanisms and tools.

What happens next isn't up to most of us, but I think this much is true: Responsibility, in the midst of this crisis, means living on. It means going about our days as we would have elsewise gone about our days—a little kinder, maybe, a little more clear with ourselves that every moment of abundance is a gift, every gesture of goodness is a salve. Anxiety can't help us now. Obsessively watching the news won't change the news.

Outside our windows, the world goes on. The rain comes, the flocks descend, the sun rises, a neighbor brings a puppy home, inexplicably, the sweet William once more blooms. Life's incidentals, but right now, this is what we have.


PJ Hoover said...

Love this picture!
And hope all is going great!
I gave up watching news. Every time a headline catches my eye and drags me over to read it, it's never happy feeling which are the result. Normally it's sadness, being down.
Great advice to keep on living.

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