
Friday, December 19, 2008

An email from a friend just now: The cancer she's been fighting for nearly a year is in retreat.

It was frightening news back when—all of us afraid for our friend, who promised a fight. No vitriol, no self-pity, not a moment when she asked, Why me? Her fight was something else altogether—faith in her doctors, strength absorbed from her garden, the deliberate welcoming in of family and friends, a trip to France, a trip to the seaside, three seasons spent steeping herself in goodness and thinking of the goodness first—not the operations, not the chemo, not the radiation, not the prognosis.

She sent photos of her adventures. She asked after our own travels, our concerns.

So that those of us who had the privilege of working with her would say, among ourselves, If only we had some small fraction of her in us.

She was on our minds, all the time. She was always there, in our conversations.

And today, her news.

Sometimes there are miracles. Sometimes we only stand back and say, Thank you.


Vivian Mahoney said...

Oh, how I needed to read this today! Thank you, Beth.

Vivian Mahoney said...

By the way, I forgot to mention, I love your new photo!

PJ Hoover said...

What a fantastic post and a reminder to always be positive in everything in life. Thank you!

Sherry said...

Reading this about your friend reminded me of a quote from the play Erin was just in, "It's not about surviving, it's about living."

I think I'll print out this post and the quote and hang them up for encouragement, as I tend to get bogged down in the surviving.

Beth Kephart said...

Yes, absolutely. It is about the living. Vivian, I thank you (except that I just changed the photo so as to reflect the actual color of my hair. I think the other one made it look pink, or something, so I just hired my son (or asked him politely) to take a new one.

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