Forever Young

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sometimes when I'm out walking in the dark, as I've just been, I find myself in the company of K., who has lived seven full decades at least, but isn't a day over 33. She has spectacular green eyes and a jumbo turtle in her back yard, and once, when a girl in Philadelphia, she watched an entire circus come to town, unpack, surprise, then leave; let her tell you about the elephant when you see her. There are hats in her background and many children, two lost already, and K. will tell me about stews and how she makes them; zinnias and how she holds them over, year to year; an after-dinner drink that is hers alone.

She knows who has come and gone in the neighborhood, and we mourn together, as tonight we have, over the loss of a young neighbor—too soon, unexpected, unjust.

Finding K. in the dark is like finding hope on a day when hope is up to no good, has gone hiding. It is this promise whisper, these words in one's head: Beauty, true beauty, never leaves.

I've never photographed K., though someday I must, I will; I need those green eyes forevermore. But last week I was photographing my friend, Judy Evans, whose beauty will never leave her, either.


Melissa said...

My condolences to all of you on the loss of your neighbor.

Em said...

Oh, to be your neighbor. :)

I gave you a shout out on my blog. dont't feel pressured to post about it. Just wanted you to know.

Little Willow said...

You're only as old as you feel.

PJ Hoover said...

K sounds like a wonderful person to have so close by, and someone you'd venture out in the dark with just the sole purpose of seeing.

Beth Kephart said...

Thank you, B&BM. It has been a season of sad news here. And LW, I do agree. And PJ, this is my favorite comment of yours, ever.

Em: You are so sweet. Thank you. I Love Your Blog, too. (and you)

Vivian Mahoney said...

How wonderful to have a friend like K! She sounds like a gem.

I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. Wishing you peace and love.


Anna Lefler said...

I truly believe the quote about beauty. It's comforting somehow, isn't it?

I'm so sorry for the loss of your neighbor.

Take care...



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