
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jayne Anne Phillips made this essential point during the Q&A that followed her Lark and Termite reading at the Philadelphia Free Library this past Thursday: It is not until a book has been written and once again written that it reveals itself to the author—that the story itself becomes clear. For a long time one is only writing, only following the sound of words, the innuendo of character, the possibility of scenes.

Yesterday my own novel-in-progress revealed itself to me, finally. At last I understood just what is at stake, what must be raised up and made urgent.


Vivian Mahoney said...

I am so happy and can't wait to hear about your journey.

Anna Lefler said...

Oh, MAN. I want to know more!

And congrats on the breakthrough - fabulous.



Beth Kephart said...

Vivian, Sherry, Anna, Jane:

Oh, you know what this is. Oh, it hurts because you don't know if you can find all the right words when you need them. And you want them.

Becca said...

I'm fascinated by the process you're going through in re-birthing this book. Your excitement is palpable and infectious, so I can't wait to read it!

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