
Monday, February 16, 2009

For a little while (never long enough) it was the three of us in a corner coffee shop. We talked fiction (my son just read "Sonny's Blues," he's reading Faulkner, he read Tolstoy). We talked advertising and statistics, talked Jack London and his journey, talked basketball and fraternity row. I asked (for I'll be teaching at the University of Pennsylvania come fall, and there are things I need to know) just what makes a class engaging, what makes knowledge stick, and I got insider tips from a guy whose opinions I have always, without question, trusted.

If you have a child, if you love a child, you learn what matters most from them. You watch their eyes in the sun—the glinting of brown, the arrival of gold. You wait for the laugh that heals you.


Maya Ganesan said...

I love the picture, your words, the post title. It all juxtaposes together so perfectly to create beauty.

woman who roars said...

Kid's are so amazing. I am ever amazed by the clarity of their perceptions and the depth of their understanding.

Becca said...

And they continually amaze you with their wisdom :)

PJ Hoover said...

Great picture! Kids are awesome and amazing all at the same time!

Keri Mikulski said...

So true!! I love the words - "You wait for the laugh that heals you".. Absolutely. :)

Love the pic. ;)

Em said...

Great picture! And I'm wishing that I could transport myself to the University of Pennsylvania next semester...

Sherry said...

This post is another beautifully painted canvas.

"You learn what matters most from them." Yep.

Beth Kephart said...

Thank you, all, for intuiting, for knowing....

poetjanes said...

Beautiful snap! And what did you discover about what makes a class engaging?

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