What Was Enough

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Neighborhood Crazy (me) found herself in the mirror on a tree, and there, too, found her world—the comings and goings, the cross roads, the sky, the branches waiting for leaves. She wanted it all. She wanted it to make sense and to transcend, so that it wasn't just her story anymore, but a life decoded and returned.

She wrote down what she saw. She took pictures of it. She ran toward it, and she held back, and nothing was ever enough.

What was enough were the voices that answered back, that entered the world this Crazy sketched, conjured, contemplated, loved. What was enough was you.

A Happy Valentine's Day to all of you who make this life so much bigger.


woman who roars said...

Happy V-day! Your posts are becoming part of my morning ritual, along with my cup of coffee and three snuggly kids :-)

Thank you for each snapshot, pictorial and written, that you share.

Beth Kephart said...

oh, sierra. this makes me happy.

Em said...

Happy Happy Valentine's Day!

I like the third person narrative. It's so much fun to come here every day and see what new surprises you have.

Enjoy your weekend!

Becca said...

I love being part of your world :) Happy Valentine's Day!

Sherry said...

I love your valentine. ((Hugs))

Thank *you* again and again. Happy day, B!

Maya Ganesan said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Beth! When I'm zipping through each of the blogs on my blogroll, I always save yours for last because I know it's going to be the best.

I can't imagine NOT reading your blog. Your words are so beautiful and the pictures so gorgeous. I'm so lucky to have found you.

Beth Kephart said...

I embrace you all. I hope you know that......

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