Weather Mood (2)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I don't remember two consecutive days of sun. Silver is the color now. Rain is the sound. The sun is a caution sign and the moon has gone fishing. Every now and then, cloud pink, but mostly sky silver, which often fades to gray, and an understanding that I am settling into a new and fundamental slow—a different slow from the past many months, a more self-reflective one.

An even more self-reflective one.

(You were thinking it; I'll say it.)

What do the weather, the politics, the economy make of you?


Woman in a Window said...

The economy doesn't touch me. We bottom of the bunch simply stay bottom of the bunch and if we can hold our own, eat, underwear, well, we're doing well. Politics - not so pleased up here but what am I going to do until the next Federal election. Weather - well now, I was just thinking while walking tonight how unme I will be for two more months. Bring on fall and the layers and I'll be at home.

lib said...

The weather, politics and leads me to my garden to weed, plant, reflect, watch and listen to the birds, say "hi" to people passing by. It all takes me to needing to be in a place where I spend time with my plants, trees and time reflecting on all that is good.
More importantly, it all makes of me a more prayerful and hopefully thoughtful person.

Ed Goldberg said...

Doesn't sitting at your desk, staring out at the rain, inspire you? As you said, more reflective, but that can have great results, because staring into the unknown blanks out the mind and all of the sudden, the what comes next in your book.

Just finished No Such Thing as the Real World. My top 3 stories were yours, Chris Lynch's and KL Goings. What Hannah must have gone through. I can't imagine.

Have a glorious rainy day.

woman who roars said...

My office (a converted wardrobe that I can CLOSE :-) is right next to a window overlooking our backyard.

Sunny days are wonderful for enjoying the growing identity of our garden - flowers, herbs and veg.

But the cloudy, overcast and, yes, even rainy days allow me to imagine my backyard is the lush forest where my uncle lives in Brazil, or the primeval stands of trees from where my west coast friends mock my claims of 60 year old oaks, smug amongst their giant red woods.

I learned in school that water conducts electricity - it can also transport the mind....which should be focusing on much different "more productive" things, I suppose.

The economy? Politics? They have no place in my rainy wanderings.

grete said...

In Norway we have a saying that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad this morning, the sky as happy as ever playing its rainy games, I put on my waterproof (including waterproof mascara) and jogging shoes and just opened the door. It was....lovely......

The sun is a caution sign and the moon has gone fishing - ah - love your words....

Anonymous said...

In Toronto we have every sort of weather, often on alternating days. It can be quite cold, then boiling hot, rain and sun. This has been even more so in the last few years. Our politics--yikes. We're like you guys down south only 10 years behind so we have to get through our mini-bush era. Our PM is scary but in a small country sort of way. It has less world impact but we have a decent country here I don't want to see him ruin. The opposition parties aren't strong enough yet to win an election so they look like wimps because they keep giving into him in order to gain time to strengthen their parties.

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