Work in Progress and the Hummingbird Arrives

Thursday, July 30, 2009

After a difficult night, a page was born, and I was scrolling through the book again, as I do, looking for clues to next moves, when from the corner of my eye I saw a hummingbird hanging in the window, as if from a puppeteer's string. I had been waiting all summer long for this elusive bird, my longing pinned to the trumpet vine that my father helped me plant by the front door. But the hummingbird came at me from the north, and she came not alone but with a friend. She was silver bellied and green backed, dragonfly colors, and I did not take her picture, for she did not stay long enough for me to garner her permission. I photographed the screen instead. The moment in time.

Gifts. Each day lived.


Tessa said...

It's wonderful, isn't it how a moment in time can etch itself in your mind forever...and it will never fade like a photograph would.

I think her visit bodes well. Think of her when you are lost...she is bound to guide you back to where you want to be.

Unknown said...

I think it is sweet that she brought a friend...ya gotta have friends...things are so much sweeter when shared.

What's the message? Look to your friends for inspiration...

Just wingin' it here :)

Peace - Rene

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she finally arrived.

Kelly H-Y said...

What a neat idea to take a picture of what you were doing at that moment. I love watching hummingbirds ... they are so fascinating. We have a pair that visits our yard each evening while we're eating dinner outside. So fun.

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