Empty Nesting

Thursday, August 27, 2009

We gave the largest room in this tiny house to our son, but it was never big enough. He was a keeper of all things, always. Favorite hats and books and every paper from every grade that reminded him of something happy. He'd stack his pennies high on top of books, and beneath the books he'd keep the magazines from years ago, and inside the magazines were notes he'd taken while watching world cup soccer.

I am a devoted minimalist, seeker of clean and open space, and I gave birth to a guy like this. In this way, he is his father's son.

But today, we attacked this room together, my son and I, and suddenly it was easy to throw things away, to move them to other places. To decide that memories don't need artifacts to contain them, or not all the time, at least. Sometimes memories just are, and the old tee-shirt can go, and so can the box of tired magazines, and all the while the room grows around you, and the sun comes in, unobstructed.

We are packed now, ready to go. Tomorrow he begins his second year at college, and I begin my second fall without him. He is a man of many friends and talents, and he has found the perfect college home. I will see him go in that full knowledge and also with the knowledge that he is that rare breed of guy who wants to know what it is that I've been writing or, even, thinking, who notices how it is when I finally tame my hair, who stops, apropos of nothing, to say, Mom, I really love you, or Mom, thank you.

Thank you.
Two words.

Autumn was always my favorite season, but now, to me, it means something else.


Bonnie said...

This is beautiful Beth. My son is only 10 and is similar to how your son was...he finds meaning and memories in scraps of paper and more. I am glad that your son has now found it easier to let go of these items and that memories "don't need artifacts to contain them". You've given me hope for the future!

I have Nothing but Ghosts TBR as I purchased it as part of My Friend Amy's book drive and from the praises that I have read of your writing. I also want to read your earlier books "A Slant of Sun" is calling me.

bermudaonion said...

I can really relate to this beautiful post. I don't like clutter and our son is a pack rat! I hope both you and your son have a great year!

Priya said...

I'm just like your son - I can't bear to throw things away! I'm thinking of making some sort of collage with all my junk. :)

Anonymous said...

How hard it must be to let him go. And yet you must be so proud of the young man he is.

Q said...

I love autumn, too.

Beth F said...

How sweet. I love the fall -- I always see it as the time of new beginnings.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I love the relationship you have with your son. I hope it stays that way with my son, too.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

What a treasured sentiment, Beth. We're in the process of getting my daughter ready to go off to school. She's in 12th grade now. Every place feels so far away when it's off the island but I want her to explore and grow. I've been feeling your autumn since last year when I realized the time of her flight from our own nest is soon. I think of your son when I consider the book of yours that I finished...I remember you said he gave you feedback on a chapter and how you took his comments into consideration. It's worth celebrating that he is able to appreciate your work. I'm sure that just as you are proud of him, he is also proud of you.

kristen spina said...

There is so much love and beauty in this post. And I see so much that is both familiar and sweet.

Thank you for sharing it.

Linda C. Wisniewski said...

My son leaves for his second year of college on Monday. He's pretty self-contained and quiet, and doesn't have much in the way of clutter. How different and unique they all are...lovely post, Beth.
I feel my entire career as a mother flashes before my eyes at times like this.

Em said...

Oh, so sad and lovely. You and your son are both very lucky. And make sure to save some random things...it's always fun to open a box and surprise yourself. :)

p.s. I love the new header photo!

Lorie Ann Grover said...

*sigh* Doing the same here as my firstborn is heading off. Thank you.

kate hopper said...

Oh Beth, I love this. Of course I do.

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