Swinging High

Friday, August 21, 2009

We saw the sea lions in the glaze of sunset. We saw the Richard Avedon exhibit and the Japanese tea garden. I bought something for myself and something for my father and something for a friend and now we are off to see one of the most generous literary couples I know, Kate Moses (Wintering) and Gary Kamiya (one of the smartest journalist in the states). I have missed Kate dearly. She is now just 20 minutes away. I bought her a bouquet of red sunflowers. Red! And the man who sold them to me told such a story.

I love San Francisco. I can't help what it does to my heart.


Woman in a Window said...

So you are out there in the world taking in more stories and being propelled from one wise and telling table to the next. Your world is full, Beth. Enjoy.

Becca said...

Adore the Japanese tea garden...and the sea lions. It's been six years, but I can still smell the sea breeze and hear them barking :)

Enjoy, enjoy!

Priya said...

I never knew sunflowers came in colors other than yellow! :) I've always wanted to go to a Japanese tea garden. Glad you're enjoying San Francisco!

Vivian Mahoney said...

You're so lucky! SF is a beautiful city.

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