New York City, in sun and sweet rain

Sunday, September 27, 2009

We met our boy for a weekend in New York City. He is tall, upright, happy. Taller, perhaps, than he was just a month ago, when we dropped him off at college for his sophomore year, and he is happier than, well, ever?

Where, I wondered, does such happiness come from, and how might it be kept near? Beside him, I walked Broadway in the tinseled dark. Beside him I laughed out loud for no good reason. You made me a mother, I kept thinking, as I watched him. No one else, but you.


Q said...

What college does your son attend?

Priya said...

What a lovely post, and what a lovely picture.

bermudaonion said...

What a fun weekend! Our children are so different once they go off to college - but in a good way.

Melissa Walker said...

Beautiful! Keeping happiness near is something we must all strive to do. It takes effort, but it is a smiling quest.

Florinda said...

"You made me a mother, I kept thinking...No one else, but you."

Beautiful. As a fellow mother of an only son, I've had similar thoughts. Glad you enjoyed your weekend with your boy!

LisaSam said...

"You made me a mother, I kept thinking...No one else, but you." I have two sons and each has made me a different kind of mother. Love this.

LisaSam said...
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Sherry said...

Very cool photo for a very cool night.

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