Opening? Closing?: New Year's Eve Reflections

Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions; I've never been. I chase each day with the desire to get it right. I mourn each night over failures. It's about all I can handle.

I do, however, have this aspiration: To see in every door that seems to close a door that in fact opens. Many, many times this past year I allowed myself to dwell on endings, when in fact a new beginning was stirring elsewhere. An unforeseen virtual party for a book I feared no one would notice, for example. A new publishing home for a novel that I was afraid had run its course. A fear that clients gone quiet signaled clients who had forgotten—but that wasn't it, as it turned out, that wasn't it at all, for the clients are back, the friendships stronger than ever.

Wait. Wait and see. I'm taking that forward in 2010. In the meantime, we're headed out for dinner this night with friends we've come to love. They are part of the old. They'll be part of the new. And they'll make us laugh in the meantime.


Julie P. said...

What an amazing perspective you have! I'm going to try to copy it!

e said...

that sounds like a really good attitude. enjoy the night!

Kelly H-Y said...

So beautifully put. I'm the same way with resolutions ... I love how you summed it up.

kristen spina said...

Happy New Year, Beth! (I don't like resolutions, either.)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Beth. I'm rather like you and so I love the epiphany: Wait and see. I love it.

Maya Ganesan said...

Wishing you and your family a very very happy 2010.

Becca said...

Wait and see...I like that. I tend to jump to (mostly negative) conclusions about things myself. Most often they are wrong, and I've wasted precious time and energy in worrying.

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