
Thursday, January 14, 2010

I have never been particularly good at living the gorgeous day—the forgiveness of a blue sky, the bulb of a warmer sun —when not all that far away, across an ocean, on an island, a world has disappeared, entire. Houses slid down mountainsides, families trapped in rubble, a presidential palace clobbered and chunked, tens of thousands dead, and millions homeless.

How do you live, how do you worry the everyday worries, how do you oblige the routines, when the news comes in of sudden amputees and missing children and mothers and fathers vanished? How do you?

They say that money is nothing right now. That water is what is needed. Water and also rights of way amid destruction to rescue those who are still holding on, and also more time to rescue.

"I want to do something," I said to my son. "Something."

He stood. He reached for his wallet. "I want to do something, too," he said.


Sarah Anne said...

I actually had to ask my friends about this, because I had no idea what it was about. I want to help now, too.

Anonymous said...

I think it's human nature to be galvanized by disaster and want to help then. If only we could channel that spirit at other times too.

Kelly H-Y said...

So very true. At this point, it sounds like all we can do is help through donations. It's heartbreaking ... the devastation.

tera said...

I wish one could know what organization to help, so they can help the people. So many organizations take so much of the funds for other things, and the people who truly need the help/food/shelter/clothing or whatever, see so little of it.

I am researching...

Sherry said...



I'm looking into these two organizations, so thought I'd pass them on for anyone else to look at.

Becca said...

I had just poured myself a drink of water, and thought about all those people over there for whom water is unavailable. How I wish I could have shared mine.

Melissa Walker said...

Lovely, Beth. The International Rescue Committee is a great place for rebuilding giving. They're on the ground: http://www.theirc.org/

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