The New York Times Building

Sunday, January 3, 2010

This is the lobby of the Renzo Piano-designed New York Times Building, as photographed on a bitterly cold Saturday through the window of an adjoining shop. Annie Leibovitz has, of course, photographed the building far better than I ever could, and I've only been inside once, for a quick cup of tea with an editor for whom, in another life, for another publication, I once wrote.

Still, I love the idea of this building—the way it somehow crafts light, the way trees grow inside, the way the whole thing ultimately melds with the sky. I love the bright punch of the lobby colors (that orange being a near cousin of the orange on the wall behind my desk) and the clean accommodation of the intersecting planes. I love the first-floor hush that lifts the upper-floor strut of news being captured and made.


Priya said...

It looks beautiful. We didn't get to see it up close when we were in NY this summer, but I'd love to see it someday.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a beautiful building. I'd like to see it sometime.

Sarah Anne said...

I like the idea of trees growing inside of a building. I think it would be awesome to build a playhouse around a giant old tree. It'd feel like Peter Pan or something. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your note to me at my blog! Your thoughtful words were a balm to me.

Ah, this place lloks fabulous! NY is a city on my "must see" list.

septembermom said...

I've passed that building often. After your description, I think I need to stop inside. Sounds lovely.

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