What are authors supposed to look like?

Monday, August 9, 2010

I have hair that, on any given day, might be confused with a dandelion puff gone wild.  I have an unsunned face, morning raccoon eyes.  I'm never glamorous.  I don't know how to try.  I'm at my absolute least glamorous at the club where I dance Zumba, and mostly I don't worry about this.  We are there to sweat.  (right?)  We are there for power.  (girl power!)

Today, however, I took an advanced reader's copy of Dangerous Neighbors to my friend, Joy, who is and has been a million wonderful things in this life and is currently the hottest chick on the Zumba floor, though she claims that she's in her seventh decade.  Joy is a Kindle reader, a former bookstore owner, a doll of a blond with gorgeous round eyes.  I took her Dangerous Neighbors because I had been promising her I would, and so there she stood, my book in her hand, when another of her friends addressed her.  She asked Joy what that blue book was.  Joy looked at me to explain.  I did my two-minute spiel and then the woman looked confusedly my way.

"You're an author?, you say.  Of this book?"

I nodded.  "I am."

"Isn't that remarkable," she said.  "When you think about meeting an author, you think she is going to look different somehow, stand out.  But I guess that's not really the case, is it now.  I mean, you don't look any different from the rest of us?"


bermudaonion said...

I think a lot of readers think all authors are glamorous, but I think of you that way.

Julia said...

That's the best part of being an author; you shine from the inside.

Unknown said...

Ditto to Julia's comment. :)

Liviania said...

In my mind, authors look like the people on the cover of their books. I have been disillustioned many times.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Oh, gosh, one of the things I've always adored about authors is that they don't have to be glam, they can just be real and hide out in a room with a computer. At least that's my own personal fantasy :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above, both the shining from within (in your case) and the hiding out!

septembermom said...

You reach us because you really are one of us and we love you for it!!

Melissa Sarno said...

I love the image of hair like a dandelion puff gone wild. That makes me smile :-)
Instead of "Celebrities...they're just like us" People and US magazines should do a writer's edition and show a bunch of writers like you pushing strollers and grocery shopping.

Beth F said...

Haaaa!!! Oh gosh, I laughed so hard, Mr. BFR came in to see what he was missing. Too funny.

Becca said...

I love Julia's comment - I think that fits you perfectly :)

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