Eating our cake (too)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Last night, at the Radnor Memorial Library, I had the chance to look back over a lifetime of wanting and dreaming.  Opportunities such as that one don't come around too often, and they only exist because other people make them happen.  And so this morning I would like, first, to thank Pam and Molly, of the library, dear souls both, who set the chairs in perfect rows, ordered in a beautiful cake, mixed up a cranberry punch, and (mostly) put up with me and my projection nerves.  Thank you to Hannah of Children's Book World, who arrived with so many books in hand.  Thank you to Jim, who filmed the talk.  Thank you to my husband, Bill, whose tech know-how enables me to tell the stories I want to tell.  Thank you to my dad, who comes every time.  Thank you to my friends who kept the promises they'd made and trekked out in the rain.  Thank you to the Radnor community and to the teachers in neighboring districts and to the students who will be writers one day.

I worried the weather would keep you away.  Thank you for being brave.


Anna Lefler said...


I wish I could have been there...

Congratulations, Beth.



Jeannine Atkins said...

Wish I could have been there, but the picture of that stack of books took my breath away with lovely memories. Some of my own books in that stack have post its sticking out from favorite pages. That is one stack to be proud of.

Melissa Sarno said...

I like the stack of all your books. I hope to make my way through them all! I think I have an obsession with food, as I was reading your post, I kept thinking, what kind of cake? What kind of cake?!

septembermom said...

So happy that it was a wonderful event! Congratulations Beth. I wish I could have been there too :)

Sherry said...

There are five books stacked in your row that I have not read. I need to fix that problem.

Beth F said...

So thrilled it was a success. I'm smiling about how supportive your father is. Lovely.

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