Towering Books

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We had to move four of our 14 bookshelves ten inches west.  I had cleared but two of them and stepped back when I felt a wave of—despair? gluttony? overwhelm? joy?  Yes, I knew I had been triple stacking my books.  Yes, I knew that there were plenty of them, that every month or so I am compelled to donate a dozen or more to my local library, and still I navigate book spill.

Still, seeing a mere fraction of my total books out there, like this, on the floor produced in me a desire to go get some air.  I opened the front door.  I looked down at the stoop.  There sat a box of ten brand new books, all sweetly wrapped and virgin.

Call me what you will, but at least there's this:  I put my money where my mouth is, when it comes to books.  I buy because I love these things, and because buying helps keep my industry alive. 


Amy said...

In recently moving I have experienced this same thing. I love books, I cannot stop acquiring them, but I also often feel suffocated by them. I have way more than I can read!

Unknown said...

Isn't nice that we have a support group of sorts of fellow book addicts in this little corner of the internet? Then again, we're really enablers...adding to yet another teetering pile of books.

Even though our addiction causes claustrophobia and sleep loss, it has a way of growing our hearts and minds.

bermudaonion said...

Well said! I buy for much the same reason. If we stop buying, no new books will be published.

Becca said...

What perfect serendipity - to find a box of books waiting on the porch just at that moment!

I have shelves and shelves and shelves here too :)

Beth F said...

I'm a buyer too -- for much the same reasons. Isn't it nice to know you're not alone in the addiction.

Anonymous said...

It's a good deed. And the books you donate or pass on make another good deed.

Vivian Mahoney said...

This looks like the piles of books in my house. I keep meaning to go to IKEA to get a couple more bookcases...

Wendy said...

Wow, can I relate to this! Even though I get so many review books, I cannot resist shopping in my local bookstore and buying more, and more, and more! The other day I went through my bookshelf of books already read, and weeded out some to send to my sister...but it was so hard to say goodbye to them! I suppose there are worse addictions, yes?

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