The kindness of editors

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A few days ago I found myself in the midst of a conversation about a book that I am writing, a novel for adults.  I'd thought the book complete; I'd thought it whole.  I believed that the time had come for this book of mine.  Indeed, I was nearly certain.

But that time isn't, as it turns out, now.  There are some aspects of this novel that need to be reconsidered.  I couldn't see that myself.  I was, thanks to readers who deeply care, helped to see it.  And what is kinder, in the end, than an editor and an editor friend who will sit and talk over the course of several days about what the future of a book might be.

I am indebted, once again.

The work awaits me.


Anonymous said...

And your attitude toward it is lovely. I know that can't have been easy to hear.

Liviania said...

I'm at the Columbia Publishing Course right now, and one of the themes is that publishers need to be more transparent. They need to talk about what they do, so that authors understand the value of a publisher versus just putting an ebook on the internet themselves.

Your editor, your copyeditor . . . you blog so frequently and beautifully about the team behind your books. I'm sure they appreciate it even more than you can imagine.

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