Celebrating a birthday with beauties

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I had promised photos of Miss Eva on her third birthday.  But ladies and gentleman, I can do even better.  I can and do present to you some of the other very special young ladies on the planet.  Yes, the princess in pink is our own Miss Eva.  The princess beside her is Miss M, the much-discussed beauty who dances cha cha with the old people on Thursdays and is perpetually kind and forgiving regarding their (which is to say my) over-long steps, bent knees, invariable mishaps. 

The perfectly named Miss Mercy follows; she regales anyone lucky enough to be near her with siren tales and exquisite quips.  And last but not least is Miss Cristina, who is is Eva's mom, with her brand-new baby, Miss Sophie.

It's time for me to return to work after a weekend of play and photography.  But what a weekend it was.  I hope you, too, spent time with those you love.  It's the cure for most things, I've discovered.


Serena said...

what great pictures and everyone looks so pleased and happy.

Anonymous said...

Awww this has me smiling.

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