Don't Breathe a Word: the words have power video

Monday, January 16, 2012

Holly Cupala should be a movie star.  Click on the frame above; you'll see what I mean.

But I digress.

Because Holly Cupala also has a brand new book out—a second young adult novel called Don't Breathe a Word that has lit up the blog-o-sphere with high praise from enthused Holly fans.  I can't wait to read this book about life on the Seattle streets myself.  Holly puts her gorgeous heart into every sentence she writes.

In the meantime, I'm delighted to join Justina Chen, Melissa Walker, Stephanie Kuehnert, Sarah Stevenson, Denise Jaden, Lish McBride, Lisa Schroeder, Cynthia Jaynes, Tara Kelly, Joelle Anthony, Stasia Ward Kehoe, Janet S. Fox, Tina Ferraro, and Janet Lee Carey in this video celebration of a theme that runs throughout Holly's book and is so important to us all:  words have power.

Happy book launch, Miss Cupala! And thank you for including me among your friends of considered and special young adult authors.


Melissa Walker said...

I love sharing the screen with Holly's book, and with everyone here! x

Sarah Stevenson said...

Ditto what Melissa said. :) And, appropriately, my blogger verification word is "mingl."

holly cupala said...

Dear and beloved friend Beth, your words have been incredibly powerful to me. I'm so happy to know you and to be able to share your wisdom in the tiniest of ways! Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful video! Watching it threw me right into the think tank I needed to explore on this cold winter morning in New England. Yes, words have power!

Joanne Mazzotta,
Author of, WHY WHISPER?

Serena said...

What a great video and some great authors as well...wonderful!

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