"it's the hardest thing on earth to like yourself"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

From the April 2012 Vanity Fair, an interview with Julia Roberts and Mike Nichols:

V.F.:  Metamorphosis, transformation: that's what holds us, I think, in every story.

Mike: To become something better, to be less unhappy.  But it's mostly a fantasy.  It's the hardest thing on earth to like yourself, and then when you do, it's a catastrophe.  I mean, the people I know who like themselves—I don't want to see them.

V.F.: They're insufferable.

Julia:  Worse than insufferable. They're boring.


Katrina said...

Perhaps what we can strive for is compassion -- for ourselves first, and then for all beings. It's a journey, from fear into love, and anything that we can do to bring more love into the world seems like a very good thing, yes?

Beth Kephart said...

I'm thinking that you, beautiful Katrina, should have had the moment in Vanity Fair.

I found this dialogue exchange...interesting.

Anonymous said...

I found it unfortunate--why should liking yourself be insufferable? No, I suspect what they mean is someone self-centred, who acts as though the sun shines out of their butt, and what is behind that is a fear of shit.

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