this is my list (and it scares me)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I am not, by nature, a list maker.  I like to think of myself as a parallel processor, an aw-come-on-you-will-do-it gal, an original but, of course, sure, absolutely.

But.  The nature of these days has foisted List upon me, and I have, with a gasp, discovered this:  There are 31 things due in the next three weeks.  Even earlier, my clients say, if I could, please.

See that orange tower, rising high?  That's my list—resounding, skyward.

I didn't go to Zumba today.  I ruined my eggs and thought I'd have some milk instead, but learned that the milk jug is empty.  I rose hoping for rain, so that beauty wouldn't distract me.  There's sun out there—sun and plenty of beauty.

I'm going to slip away now, do Thing Number One.  After that, Thing Number Two.  And so on.


Becca said...

I have a list like that too - thinking of you as you climb the tower :)

Anonymous said...

You'll get through it. I know you will. And I hope you can rest and celebrate when you do.

Harvee44 said...

Keeps us busy, eh? Enjoy your next reads.

Lisa Romeo said...

My list mirrors yours, and includes, mixed in w/all the work demands, "make final college decision with son" (yikes!). So let's just put our heads down and go...onward. Good luck to us both!

Serena said...

Personally, I am too scared to even make a list!

Although a friend asked me once how I keep track of review copies if I have them all put away and categorized on my shelves...I told her it was why I can remember nothing else..because all that is stored in my brain is where the review copies are and when they are due.

Melissa Sarno said...

Perhaps it will be very satisfying to cross things off? Good luck lovely Beth. Make sure you stop and take in the sun and beauty when you can.

Caroline Starr Rose said...

Good for you. Maybe you can share some list-tackling tips when you return? :)

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

I'm with Caroline - share list-tackling tips, please! I have to write everything down these days because my brain just spills out my ears any more!

Unknown said...

Good luck with your list, Beth!

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