On this dark and windy (and quite wet) day, I'm so proud to have my interview with Patricia McCormick featured in
Publishing Perspectives. Patty, newly and justly nominated for the National Book Award for
Never Fall Down, talks here about the making of this incredibly important book. The interview begins like this, below, and can be read in its entirety
here. I interviewed Patty long before her book was nominated, by the way. I just had a feeling.

Anyone who confuses young adult literature with simple kids’ stuff
has not read Patricia McCormick. A former journalist with an
investigator’s eye and an astute sense of social justice, McCormick’s
novels for younger readers have taken her into a residential treatment
center (
Cut), the harrowing world of sexual slavery in India (
Sold), the Iraq War (
Purple Heart), and the killing fields of Cambodia (
Never Fall Down).
McCormick wants us to know; she wants us to see. She wants to teach us
something about this world, but she is no sermonizer. She’s a poet, in
fact, this Patricia McCormick, writing of split worlds with lacerating
precision, daring prose, and devastating beauty.
McCormick’s most recent book, the National Book Award finalist
Never Fall Down (Balzer
+ Bray/HarperCollins), is a collaboration — a novel inspired by the
real life of Arn Chorn-Pond. Swept into the Khmer Rouge’s brutal
reeducation program, separated from his family in a series of labor
camps, and bullied into being someone he might have never imagined could
exist, Arn nonetheless survives, thanks in part to his talent for music
and his refusal to lay down and die. Arn does not emerge from the book
as an innocent. His shame is palpable, his losses many. As his
interviewer, friend, and fellow traveler, McCormick’s greatest gift to
Arn is the gift she has always brought her readers—her faith in the
This book has jumped to the top of my "get" list. Thanks so much for the introduction!!
Plus, we are so happy to know you're okay - dry and safe and well, Beth. xo
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