Philadelphia in the gloaming; two empty nesters

Monday, April 8, 2013

I can never use the term "in the gloaming" without thinking of my friend Alice Elliott Dark's perfect and classic short story by that same name. And so, last night, leaving the city at the gloaming hour, I thought of Alice. I thought of Joan Didion, too, and Rebecca Solnit, and all those writers who have captured this shade of sun-glinted blue with words.

The city was eager for spring, and full of its promise. Rittenhouse Square and its horn player, a little spontaneous drumming on the side. Restaurants and their outdoor seats. People reading on benches with their coat collars high.

My husband and I were there at the end of a long moving week—cleaning our son's now vacated city apartment at Spruce and 16th, and imagining him at the park in his new near-Manhattan 'hood. Sharing a meal at Serafina. Going home in the old Wrangler, two for-sure empty nesters now.

Meanwhile our son texts me this morning, his first day of his first full-time job. Up at 5:30, he confides. At Starbucks. Excited.

There's dusk. And then there's dawn.


Melissa Sarno said...

Good luck to the boy and love to you, lovely Beth.

Alice said...

Thanks, Beth, for this lingering association. Best wishes to your son on his new venture.

bermudaonion said...

What a great adventure for your son!

Beth F said...

Exciting for everyone to look to the future.

Adrienne said...

Sigh. Teary eyes. Kids at the same stage (thought I've never cleaned an apartment for them...your son got the nice parents!) It's good that they're off and employed and building that life we prepared them for...and it's a bit lonely too. This is lovely. Simple and lovely.

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