your son's happiness. don't you dare run past.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Life goes by. It goes by fast. And some days you are up at three, working, and sixteen hours later, you aren't even close to done; you are even more behind, and you are talking too fast, your mind on overdrive.

And you don't know who you might have offended by talking too fast, too much, too overwhelmedly. You don't know. You're sorry.

Then your son calls while you are running to Whole Foods to buy tilapia, broccoli, sweet potato fries (you're taking short cuts). And he explains this new job he has—how, precisely, this business of media planning works. How he has his own clients now, three weeks into the job, how he writes a proposal, sends it to a client, gets an email, all capital letters, from his boss:

G R E A T   J O B,  J.

And you know in that instant, while you are running, while the sun is setting, while your mind is on overdrive, that this is it. This is what you cannot run past:

Your son's happiness.


Katrina said...

Oh Beth, I LOVE this. You are just my kind of mom. My kind of writer. My kind of human.

Becca said...

It means everything. And makes everything more meaningful.

So happy for you. And for J.

Snorkle said...

I love this piece. Beautifully captured.

Sarah Buttenwieser said...

What a great reminder to a mother of teenagers. Thank you!

Missy K said...

This is lovely-- and the thing about being a parent that never changes-- even when the art creation becomes the LEGO creation becomes the short story becomes that first job-- a chance to rejoice with a child is a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to read this. Last night I got a call from my own son, who's in grad school on the other side of the country, and it was a similar experience. Golden!

Jennifer R. Hubbard said...


Also, that photo stopped me. The Second Mile! For years, I owned a couch that came from there. I used to live very nearby. I probably still own some books I got there.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad for you. Those moments of joy in your child's happiness are the best.

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