Dear you: When writing a novel (again), remember...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

that if you aren't getting the words right—if you hear yourself saying to anyone who will listen, My sentences aren't working—you may be in the midst of a severe misdiagnosis. Sentences only work when the story is working. Sentences that don't pretty up or grit up or do whatever you want them to do are sentences that have no right frame to cling to.

Why this lesson has become my own personal Groundhog's Day, I'll never know.

But I share it with you, because you are smarter than I, than me.


Not a Potter, Not a Ballroom Dancer, and Often Not a Writer


Jennifer R. Hubbard said...

I doubt I am smarter than you, and I'd bet anything you're a better dancer than I am.

But who's keeping score?

You'll find your manuscript, the way Michelangelo found sculptures inside blocks of marble. You've been hunting for it, and it's in there.

Caroline Starr Rose said...


Can you come over and whisper these sorts of things to me once a day??

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