Handling the Truth: Get Your Copy, Free

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Here, in this amazing, one-time-only deal, Beth Kephart (whom Kelly Simmons calls a Jedi Master, and that's praise enough for me) is offering One Free Copy (note the All Caps) of Handling the Truth to some fortunate United States dwelling soul.

All The Fortunate has to do is type the name of his/her favorite memoir (gotta be sure it's an actual memoir) into the comment box here. On August 6th, I will ask my favorite child to choose a number. That number will be linked, indelibly, to the giftee.

So, go at it, folks. You have until midnight, August 5th. On August 6th, Handling Launch Day, I'll reveal the winner here (and list and comment upon your favorite memoirs).

I'd love it if you spread word, in the meantime, about this book—my return, after so many years, to writing for adults. And I'd love, too, to see you sometime. Some of my upcoming events are listed below. My first official event is at the Free Library of Philadelphia, this coming Tuesday, where I'll be talking and workshopping and maybe even dancing, if there is wine enough. Jilly and Joy and Chippy are promising to be there. You doubt me? Here's proof.

All right. The floor is yours.

August 6, 2013, 7:30
Launching Handling the Truth
with a memoir workshop
Free Library of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA

August 8, 2013, Noon
Reflecting on the Great George Childs
(and Dr. Radway)
Ardmore Rotary Club
Merion Cricket Club
Haverford, PA

August 30/August 31 2013
Decatur Book Festival
Appearing with Stacey D'Erasmo

Conducting memoir workshop
Atlanta, GA
Details on the Writers Conference here.

September 7, 2013, 10 AM - noon
BookPassage Memoir Workshop
51 Tamal Vista Blvd.
Corte Madera, CA 94925

September 7, 2013, 3 PM

 Books Inc. Memoir Workshop
Opera Plaza
601 Van Ness
San Francisco, CA

September 8, 2013
Redwood Writers Workshop
Memoir Workshop
Flamingo Conference Resort and Spa
Santa Rosa, CA 95405

September 17, 2013, 7 PM
Dr. Radway Launch
Radnor Memorial Library
Radnor, PA

September 22, 2013
Chestnut Hill Book Festival
Chestnut Hill, PA
(details to come)

October 3, 2013, 6 PM
University of Pennsylvania Bookstore
Memoir Workshop/Handling the Truth
Philadelphia, PA

October 10, 2013
Bryn Mawr College
Elizabeth Mosier's Writing for Children Class
(Dr. Radway)
Bryn Mawr, PA

October 19, 2013
Big Blue Marble Bookstore
Reading with Liz Rosenberg
Philadelphia, PA

October 20, 2013
Memoir Festival
Rosemont College
Rosemont, PA
(details to come)

November 9, 2013, 9 AM to Noon
Bank Street Writers Lab Mini-Conference: The Nitty-Gritty

Opening Keynote: Beth Kephart on the teaching of truth
In a half-day program featuring an esteemed panel of reviewers and a study of mentor texts
Bank Street College of Education
610 West 112th Street
New York, NY 10025

March 12, 2014, 8 PM
Elizabeth Boatwright Coaker Visiting Writers Series
Converse College
Spartanburg, SC 


Bonnie West said...

Crossing the Moon by Paulette Bates Alden

Harvee44 said...

In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner.


Lisa Hammond said...

Anne Lamott's Operating Instructions

Judith said...

Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Unknown said...

Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt


Unknown said...

The Thing About Life Is That One Day You'll Be Dead, by David Shields.

Missy K said...

Oh, goodness...I think I'd have to go with Anne Lamott's Operating Instructions as well, because it was a sort of lifeline to me in my sons' early years.

But to choose only one. . . So hard. . .

Melodye said...

So many memoirs speak to me for different reasons, and my tastes might chance from day to day. But since I only get to choose one, I'll pick THE GLASS CASTLE, by Jeanette Walls. Ask me again tomorrow, and I might give you a different title...

Melodye said...

So many memoirs speak to me for different reasons, and my tastes might chance from day to day. But since I only get to choose one, I'll pick THE GLASS CASTLE, by Jeanette Walls. Ask me again tomorrow, and I might give you a different title...

Carla Baku said...

Breaking Clean by Judy Blunt.

kam said...

Tough call... I'm going to have to go with "The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating" by Elizabeth Tova Bailey. Simply beautiful.

teabird said...

Joan Didion: Year of Magical thinking.

SusaNia said...

Operating Instructions by Anne Lamott

Janet said...

As someone said,so hard to choose! Let's Take The Long Way Home by Gail Caldwell.

erin said...

"Eat, Pray, Love" by Liz Gilbert.

Sherry said...

Well, I'm not trying to be a "blogger's pet" but I have to say - I've read three of your memoirs. And I think they have had the biggest impact on me then others one have. It's because I find so much beauty, truth, and grace in them all. You bring those qualities out by the way you share with your reader so that as I am reading I am being reminded of, no, I'm being shown the places in my life that where these qualities abound, as well. I always have my journal close by when I am reading one of them! I can't pick a favorite but if I have to, tonight, I vote for Into the Tangle of Friendship.

Suzen said...

Without a Map,
By Meredith Hall

Suzen said...

Without a Map,
By Meredith Hall

Unknown said...

My favorite memoir is Blue Nights by Joan Didion about the death of her adult daughter.

aphollywood said...

A Moveable Feast, by Ernest Hemingway

Lisa Hammond said...

Are we disqualified if we enter twice??? :) How about Abigail Thomas's Three Dog Life?

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