The New York Journal of Books Review of Handling the Truth: oh, my!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My cup overfloweth. Such a beautiful, beautiful review of Handling the Truth in the New York Journal of Books. Helen Gallagher, thank you so much. (Oh, it is a sweet, dear thing to be so kindly understood.)

My favorite words, because it is indeed my hope that this book will be helpful to teachers, are here.
Learning to write a powerful memoir requires studying the masters, finding your form, and getting ready to be vulnerable. How else can you write with honesty and tell the truth? If you’re ready to “get it right, when so many get it wrong, you’ll learn to write and write until you find your true voice.” Ms. Kephart helps you along the way by explaining what memoir is not, and helps you understand what readers gain by reading good literature.

Beyond its appeal to eager memoir writers seeking a teacher by their side, Ms. Kephart’s book allows writing teachers to create custom classroom reading for students by following the generous reading list and memoir samples in the book’s Appendix.

Throughout readers are encouraged to be active writers, to write about what is happening now in order to can learn to write about yesterday.
Thank you for this. Thank you for the whole, which is here.

Thank you.


Serena said...

So wonderful...another point I did not include in my review.

Kimberley Griffiths Little said...

Simply marvelous, Beth! Congratulations times a hundred!!!

Unknown said...

GREAT! I just recommended this book to a client.

Unknown said...

I just love reading all the positive reviews for Handling the Truth. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am way behind in reading blogs, but cheering for you in every way!

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