Two Truth Podcasts: The Free Library of Philadelphia and Voices in the Family

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I'm not going to lie: I was nervous. Nervous (and privileged) to stand before the Philadelphians who had come to help me launch Handling the Truth at the Free Library of Philadelphia on August 6th, and nervous to sit in the company of the very famous Dr. Dan Gottlieb on the WHYY show, "Voices in the Family."

I suspect those nerves were easily detected.

(Are you nervous? Dr. Gottlieb asked me, as the show was about to tape. Yes, I said. Good, he said. I'm always nervous when my guests aren't nervous.)

Still, that evening and afternoon will always remain in my memory as important moments, rare ones. I share the podcasts here.

The Free Library of Philadelphia (thank you, Andy Kahan and Laura Kovacs)

Voices in the Family (thank you, Dan Gottlieb and Jennifer Lynn)

And thanks to all who came and listened.


Alicia D said...

Oh I can't wait to hear that! I love Dan Gottleib and Voices in the Family. I would be so excited and nervous to meet him! I am sure you did great and hope you had a happy and memorable experience.

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