Write It for the Young at Heart/ten-part video series

Friday, September 2, 2016

A few days ago I shared here a video essay from my new series, "Write It for the Young at Heart." The topic? Complexity, and why it matters in the YA/MG sphere.

Today we're releasing all ten videos in a series that takes an honest look at topics that should matter to all writers. The place of truth in fiction. The role of research. The importance of a centering place in the stories we write. The (shocking!) reality that not all teens sound the same in real life (and therefore should not sound the same on the page). The stuff teens say about the stuff they read. And etc. I weave my own journey into the essays, excerpt passages from books that teach us, suggest a few prompts, goad and celebrate.

That's all here, lodged on Udemy. Available with a discount using this code.


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