
Monday, December 1, 2008

A family friend, journeying through Europe for Thanksgiving week, sat down to lunch with his traveling companions—his camera, his lenses, his memory sticks stowed inside a camera bag and tucked into a nook near his feet. At his table at this outdoor cafe, they were drinking mango juice. They were exclaiming over some trinket found that morning at the market. My friend leaned forward to take a better look. In that instant, his camera bag was stolen.

All of that equipment, but also, every single photograph.

Ever since I heard the story I have been feeling robbed myself. Incapable of stealing inside the mind of a thief like that, of a stranger who would pilfer memories from an 80-year-old man. What conscience would allow it? Where might a thief find the speed with which to flee, with the treasure of another in his hands? We can't write the world until we understand it, but here is yet another thing I cannot comprehend. How it feels in the moment, how it feels afterward, to invade the simple trust of a man.


Melissa said...

Oh, how terrible ... I'm so very sorry for your friend.

PJ Hoover said...

I know! They should leave the personal stuff. It's such a loss when something like this happens.
I'm sorry for your friend.

Beth Kephart said...

B&BM and PJ: I know. I KNOW!! Thank you.

Alea said...

That is horrible! I'm always paranoid things like that will happen to me. You can't even look away for a second!

Beth Kephart said...

Oh, Alea. You should see me. I check everything a million times—a million. Do I have this? Is that near? Did I forget something? I am so afraid of losing not things, but memories.

Em said...

Ack, how awful! How heartbreaking to lose all those pictures and memories.

Becca said...

I just hate hearing things like this...I like to think better of human nature, and these kinds of tales destroy my illusions :(

Alea said...

Oh i know! I hate putting my purse on the back of my chair or on the ground when out to eat. When I am out and about I usually have it in a death grip. One time, when I was in New York City, someone tugged on my purse, I turned around and looked at them and they said "Just Kidding!"

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