A Novel Response and a Question (to blog readers)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In a comment question yesterday, the wonderful Lilian Natel asked (among other things) whether I approach adult novels differently than, say, the novels I've written for young adults. The answer is no. I give as much, I ache as much, I confuse myself as much, I nearly walk away as much from any genre with which I choose to torment myself. I work the opening 50 pages countless times, for it is in those pages that many of the most important decisions are being made. Voice and mood, for example, which are established within the first lines. Conflict and backstory. Recurrencies and themes. Trajectory. The spaces I wish to leave blank, the spaces that will be flooded out with light.

The book I am writing at the moment is being carried by two very different characters, two moods, two tenses, and the suspense of inevitable intersection. The book entails enormous research, causing me to stop every line or two to find something else out. My frustration of late concerned a misfired motivation. To fix it, I had to fix just about everything else. One small novel particle, wavering at a novel's start, disallows progression, I find. Until I fix it, I won't move on.

Now for my question, to all of you. I blog every day, as you know, and sometimes twice a day. But would it be kinder to my readers (which are you), to pull back a bit from all of this? It's something I've been pondering. I know what BH thinks. I wonder about you.


Ed Goldberg said...

I believe we all look forward to your daily blog postings, so, if it doesn't deter you too much from your novel writing, please keep it up.

The other thing you forgot to mention from a reader's perspective is that it is in that first 50 pages the reader decides to continue or put the book down, so don't sacrifice those pags.


Lenore Appelhans said...

I think it's important to find a balance. Now, of course we'd understand if you didn't blog EVERY day so that you could concentrate on writing your beautiful novels, but we certainly would lament it greatly if you disapeared completely.

Vivian Mahoney said...

I would miss your daily posts, however, I think you need to concentrate on what is best for you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with others. I enjoy your posts and find it interesting and illuminating as a writer to hear about your process and then think about my own. But you're working at another job as well as writing a first draft and if that means you need to cut back on blogging, then that's what you need to do.

Emily Ruth said...

You write when you can, and we'll read it :)

Sherrie Petersen said...

If it doesn't drain or distract too much from everything else you do, then keep posting! But if you need more time for you, your readers will understand.

Q said...

Post as much as you want to post. I'll still be here.

Colleen said...

Blog as much as you can, Beth - as long as it isn't slowing you down, we love to read!

Priya said...

I don't think you're posting too much. All of your posts are interesting and I love reading them!

Em said...

Do whatever makes you happy and feels natural. We'll definitely read the posts! :) I've found in my short blogging career that the most important thing is to have fun doing it, whether that means posting a little or a lot depends on you.

Anonymous said...

I was posting more also, but it was taking too much time to write and get back to my readers. So I cut back and it seems the people who read my blog have been gracious enough to keep visiting.

I always find your posts informative and interesting! Do what you can and I bet people will still be here visiting as often as possible.

Beth Kephart said...

I am feeling so emotional today—many things.

For now, can I just say thank you to all of you for this. I have so much to ponder. I am glad that you are there.

Woman in a Window said...

Balance is the key. What you need comes first. What is it that you need?

Amy said...

I will devour everything you write, Beth! But if it's too much for you, than don't feel pressure to blog too much. :) Whatever works for you..I'll still be here reading.

Maya Ganesan said...

No pressure. Focus on those novels and blog when you can.

Holly said...

I echo Lenore and Vivian's sentiments.

Becca said...

Good heavens, I could read 15 posts of yours every day and still want more. You have the most wonderful way of expressing your thoughts and experiences. Every time I read your writing, it makes me want to pick up a pencil and write something myself - you make me a better writer and see-er of the world :)

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