my little house, in the flowery heart of spring

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I've not gotten around to weeding yet (that isn't even on my infamous list).  But I did stop long enough to look at my world yesterday, and to feel gratitude for the life that I live.


Harvee44 said...

Coingrats on a beautiful cottage and garden and on your new books! A charmed life, indeed!

Q said...

I LOVE your garden. It's exactly the kind of garden I'd like to have when I have my own.

Serena said...

Is that the wonderful cottage? Lovely! I can see where the calm and inspiration comes in choosing each word carefully

Alice said...

This is so beautiful! Where is it?

patti.mallett_pp said...

So lovely and, even magical. Perfect.

KFP said...

At last: a full shot of your house and garden. Beautiful.

Unknown said...

How do you get any work done? If I lived in such a beautiful house with such a lovely garden, I think I'd be throwing a blanket on the ground and reading every day.

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