Jean and Iryna Paulovich

Monday, November 10, 2008

Last night we drove to New Jersey to see our favorite professional ballroom dance couple, Jean and Iryna Paulovich. I've written of them here before. Of Jean, who has taught me to take it slow in salsa, to be late in rumba, to soften the knees in the paso, who says—not often, but enough to keep my hopes alive—"Yes, Beth, this is it." Of Iryna, who sometimes teaches with Jean, who can walk you all around a song and explain, "Now you are on a corner waiting. Now you notice the guy. Now you walk toward him, lazy, not that interested. Now you agree to dance with him. You sigh."

They held a party last night—for their students, for themselves. They extended roses; they danced. But more than anything they exemplified what a marriage can be—so full of passion for an art; so full of respect, one for the other; so happy for the chance to create, to yield a good something together.

We watch ballroom all the time on TV—those forced seductions, those assembled two-minute passion tales. What a grand thing it is, then, to see two people who deeply love each other, dancing through and for that love. To see dance the way dance is meant to be.


PJ Hoover said...

Wow! I wonder if I let my husband read this post if he'll agree to dance lessons :)

Saints and Spinners said...

This is good to read. For some reason, I thought dance couples often weren't romantically involved because of the possible complications. Now, I'm reminded that my husband said that if I moved out to Seattle (back when we were dating long-distance), he'd take swing lessons with me. I moved out here 9 years ago. There's still time, isn't there?!

Erin said...

Thank you so much for sharing this post; I loved it.

Beth Kephart said...

Well, the truth here is this: My husband is the one who started us dancing. He'd seen the shows. He wondered how hard it might be. He's Salvadoran to begin with and so has a natural flair. It's been fun to watch him evolve as a dancer.

You are right, Alkelda. Most dance couples struggle, and it isn't always easy. But Jean and Iryna are magnificently right for each other.

And yes, Manic Mommy, they have every imaginable appeal. (thanks for stopping by)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Beth--my good friend Lisa Samalonis told me about your awesome blog and said I should stop by. So glad she did! Beautiful, beautiful writing. I can't wait to check out some of your books! I am a big fan of YA!

Beth Kephart said...

I would like, then, to thank this very gracious Lisa Samalonis.

Please, please extend my gratitude to her.

Anna Lefler said...

I LOVE that the dancing lessons were your husband's idea. That's fantastic.

Now there's nowhere to hide for my hubby. Heh, heh, heh.

Em said...

The party sounds like so much fun! I've gotten away from dancing lately but I'm thinking that winter is the perfect time to start up lessons again.

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