Far Away and Back, But Different

Friday, January 2, 2009

Yesterday, at the home of a writer friend (the real writer sort, Pulitzer worthy, you see, you wait, he is) and his librarian wife and their very beautiful child, the conversation kept changing hue. So that it was horses, cooking, politics, the science of information, rigor mortis, first-grade art, the search/find/rescue of a 1965 silver Globetrotter. A tour, even, of the silver Globetrotter, which belongs to the neighbors, who are also collectors of lampshades, collectors of color, collectors of records, both the big ones and the 45s. They own a jukebox; you should see. They own a basement that reminded me of my mother's mother's.

It was all happy knock, yesterday—step to the right and the talk is of a bone-marrow meal; step back and stoop, and you are racing a dark-haired boy's cars across a polished wooden floor; just keep standing there and someone will say, But how do you know Jay?

There is an art to gathering the people in your life. To making your home their home for the afternoon. While upstairs a giant of a manuscript waits for the midnight Mahler, the feverish imagination, the talent that feeds equally on life and solitude.


PJ Hoover said...

I need to master this art. Mine seems to involve normally five kids running around. Or maybe that in itself is an art.
Have a great day!

Barbara said...

Lovely. You articulate that balance between being fully engaged in life and removing oneself from it to write about it, and I bet your art is the richer for it. The care you take in your family life and with your friends echoes here in the way you take care with word and image. Thanks for this post.

Beth Kephart said...

PJ, I've not yet mastered any arts. Perhaps knife sharpening will someday be my special talent. Barbara, I've been thinking of you. Wishing you peace. Thank you for taking the time to visit.

Anna Lefler said...

I admire this talent for gatherings. I don't have it and I know it.

More unclenching required on this end, clearly.




Sherry said...

Life around my home used to be filled with gatherings, not enough solitude. These last four years have been the reverse. Hoping in 2009 I'll see these two entities making strides towards balance.

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