Of My Own Always

Monday, January 12, 2009

It doesn't get any easier saying goodbye. I don't expect it ever will. I look into my son's eyes, I sit with him, we talk, and everything is right with the world. Everything else disappears.

While my son was home he read one of my favorite thin books, When the Emperor Was Divine. He declared it (very) good. A boy after my own heart. Of my own heart. Always.


PJ Hoover said...

You guys have such a wonderful relationship. I hope mine with my kids is as strong.

Beth Kephart said...
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Vivian Mahoney said...

I watch my children and wonder who resembles me the most, and while I dread having to let go of them, I also can't wait to see who they will become as they grow older. You've done a wonderful job with your son and it heartens me to see the close bond you share.

Here's to your boy, who will ALWAYS be of your own heart.


Maya Ganesan said...

It must be hard to let go.

But I'm sure you're an amazing mother.

Anna Lefler said...

Oh, yes. Always always.



Sherry said...

Keep up the good work, Beth. A parent's job is never done, the job description changes a bit, but the position remains.

Becca said...

My son and I always enjoyed a close relationship - he loved to read, write, draw, create all kinds of things and this common interest has been a bond between us.

When he first went away to college (10 years ago!)my heart ached every day that I didn't see him. Over time, I've found myself able to go longer and longer periods without that stabbing pain. Right now, my threshold is about eight weeks.

I feel your pride in your boy, but also your poignant heartache.

Beth Kephart said...

I'm gonna borrow an Anna-ism here.

(((((((group hug))))))))

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