Hummingbird Fantasy

Friday, May 8, 2009

In Siena, in a garden, there were hummingbirds. At Chanticleer, they are suspendered from the air. Once, last year, at Adam's house, they helicoptered in while Adam and I spoke of Philadelphia history and writer dreams.

I've wanted hummingbirds. I've hung a glass feeder, filled it with sugar juice. I've planted a trumpet vine and arranged bright flowers beneath the nest that the robin has built in my rafters.

I've wanted hummingbirds, and yesterday, while slicing zucchini, thick, I looked up through the window, and one was there. Nobly beaked, curiously calm, undecided, I could tell, whether or not it would return.

I had no camera. I had no witness. It was just the red-tipped bird and me.


kristen spina said...

Why do I have the feeling he flew off to gather all his hummingbird friends and escort them back to the magic you've created for them?

Q said...

You will have more. Just keep your feeder full and your hummingbird flowers alive.

What were you making with the zucchini?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad for you.

Vivian Mahoney said...

Would you believe the last time I saw a hummingbird up close was when I was a kid? We had a hummingbird nest right near our front door and it was quite the marvel to see the tiny eggs.

Glad you got to see one!

Sherry said...

Oh, I love hummingbirds, butI always forget to put out the feeder at the right time. The last couple of years one has come, anyway, to drink from the fresh blooms of our hosta plants next to the house.

woman who roars said...

Yeah! Congrats on the sighting. My mom in law has the most luscious garden and the variety of birds that visit on a daily basis is amazing.
At our house it s all about squirrels - lots and lots of squirrels.

Sherrie Petersen said...

My daughter painted the most amazing hummingbird picture when she was 18 months old. We had a hummingbird that would sing every morning and evening at our breakfast nook window that summer. The painting is a gauzy, beautiful image, undoubtedly of that very bird who sang to us. I cherish that picture. It hangs in our breakfast nook still.

Beth Kephart said...

I love these stories about your birds, your faith that the hummingbird will return, your questions.

Thank you.

Q: Nothing special, just zucchini, summer squash, and diced tomatoes, topped with cheese, a side dish...

Becca said...

How strange - I just watched my neighbor hang a new hummingbird feeder in the red maple outside her kitchen, and then came in here to read this! Perhaps the serendipity will bring hummingbirds for all of us!

Woman in a Window said...

And that's all you need. Wonderful. (He'll be back.)

Q said...

I saw a hummingbird yesterday!

Em said...

This may sound a bit odd, but my favorite garden creatures are banana spiders. At least, I think that's what they are called. They are the spiders that are big and yellow and create the most intricate, large webs. Normally, I hate spiders but somehow I was never afraid of those. Of course, hummingbirds are the second most wonderful garden animals! :)

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