Speed and Power

Friday, May 29, 2009

The question becomes: How does one write a scene that powers forward (can't be stopped) and yet (and for me there is always the and yet) makes room for the stop-to-watch-it-work invention of language?


woman who roars said...

I love watching them carry their heads like that; better yet, I love it when I'm able to make it happen as a rider.

Sometimes struggling to describe, or relaying the impossability of doing so, is more effective than a smooth ebb and flow of words.

Vivian Mahoney said...

When I think of a scene that powers forward, it always deals with huge conflict and emotion.

Here's my method:
Mix up short and long sentences and create the urgency, the power--with the cadence, the right word, the emotion. Then, you've got it.

And if all else fails, watch a movie or listen to music that creates the emotion you seek and start writing.

Maya Ganesan said...

Write it first. Just write the whole thing. Then go back and change up the phrasing, the language, the blend, and when you're doing that, you end up seeing the invention of the language that you want to witness (because you are still, in essence, writing it).

Anonymous said...

If the language is beautiful enough, it can itself propel me forward as a reader. So I'm not sure where for you the conflict lies. Can you explain that more?

Woman in a Window said...

Huh. Interesting question. And for me, language is all. But then what do I know?

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